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Spiritual Spheres Spiritual spheres are the places where mankind goes after leaving the mortal earth life. There are a total of 7 spheres in addition to the Celesital Kingdom. Will we live in homes when we pass over? Read on to find the answers to your questions... |
A Celestial Spirit describes certain experiences of newly arrived spirits in the spirit world, and their eventual progress. | ||
I AM HERE. John B. Comeys. I desire to write you a short time to inform you of certain Truths which you should know pertaining to the spirit life, and to tell you what mortals may expect and be assured of realizing who lead the lives of good and pure men. I am in the Celestial Spheres, but I shall not speak of these spheres-but only of the Spiritual Spheres where men may live after they become disembodied spirits and experience a happiness which they have no conception of on earth. When a spirit first enters the spirit world, it receives a welcome from some one or more spirits whose duties are to receive such spirit, and to show the place where it is suited to live or exist. Such spirit is then permitted to meet its friends and relatives and to commune with them for a short or long time, and receive whatever consolation such friends or relatives may be able to give it. And, in many cases, the gladness and happiness of these spirit friends causes the spirit to believe that it is in heaven, or at least in a place of great happiness. But, after this first interview, by reason of the Law of Attraction, the spirit must go to the place where its condition of soul, or its condition of moral growth or intellectual development, fits it for, and there remain until such condition is made better, enabling it to rise to a higher place. No spirit ever retrogrades after it once gets into the place where it is suited to live in, although it may stand still for a long number of years and never make any progress. But this is a Truth not known to a great many mortals, or spirits either: that the condition of the mortal at the time he becomes a spirit fixes his condition and place of living when he first enters the spirit world. As I have said, after he is put in such place by the Law of Attraction, and when once that place is found and occupied, the spirit never goes to a lower place. It will either stay in that place for a long time, or it will start to progress. But it will ultimately progress in all cases. (Where do evil spirits go?) Well, the evil spirits find these places of habitation in the earth planes, which are many and of varied kinds, having many different appearances suited to the conditions of the spirits who will occupy them. A spirit who is in the lowest of these earth planes is said to be in the lowest hells, as all spirits who are in these planes where they suffer and encounter darkness believe and say that they are in hell. But this is merely a name used for convenience, for the hells are merely places forming a part of the one, great Universe of God. These hells, as you may imagine, are very numerous, for the conditions of spirits vary greatly. And each spirit has a place in which to live that is fitted to its condition. As the spirit becomes freed from some of these conditions which, as to them, caused the Law of Attraction to work, he progresses to a higher and better place, and finds that his surroundings are not so dark and painful. And, as this progression continues, such spirit will ultimately find himself in the places of light and comparative happiness where, to a large extent, the evil recollections have left him. The good deeds which he did on earth then come to him and cause a happiness that makes him realize that he was not all bad, and that God has been good to him in relieving him from the sins and evil thoughts which bound him to the place from which he has progressed. But, after all this, he has not gotten into any of the spheres which are above the earth planes, and he may have to remain in these planes for a great many years before he enters the Second Sphere, which is next in gradation to the earth plane. This latter plane is the most populous of all the spheres, for it has spirits coming to it in great numbers, and in greater numbers than are progressing from it to higher spheres. Hence, it has a greater variety of subplanes than has any of the other spheres, and is filled with a greater variety and kind of spirits than are any of these higher spheres. When a spirit has remained in the earth planes a sufficient length of time to put him in condition to go to the next higher sphere, he makes his progress and is never prevented from doing so. I do not mean to say that the spirit is compelled to remain in the earth planes any particular number of years before progressing, for this is not true. On the contrary, the number of years that he remains there is determined by his condition of progress. Thus, some spirits may go through these planes in less than a year, and others may remain there many years. In the Second Sphere appearances are brighter, and many opportunities are afforded the spirit to seek for and obtain happiness that he did not have before. And many spirits find great happiness in pursuing their intellectual studies and things of this kind, and in obtaining a knowledge of the laws of the spirit world governing what you might call the material nature of this world, and also of the earth world. This sphere is not so well suited for the growth of the soul faculties. Those spirits whose desires and aspirations are for the development of their soul qualities do not stay in this world or sphere very long, for they do not find that the necessary provisions for such development exist. As a consequence, they progress to the Third Sphere where they find wonderful opportunities and surroundings which enable them to progress in these matters of the soul. Well, I see that you are tired, and I will postpone any further writing on these matters to another time. So, good night. JOHN B. COMEYS. |
Angelic Messages of Divine Truth, Vol. II, Page 285 | ||
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Helen, Mr. Padgetts wife, describes her home in the third sphere. | ||
I AM HERE. Helen. I am very happy, for I have so much love of God in my heart that I cannot think of anything that tends to make me unhappy. (Do you have a nice home?) Yes, my home is very beautiful and I am perfectly delighted with it. It is made of white marble and is surrounded by lawns and flowers and trees of various kinds. The grass is so very green and the flowers are so beautiful and variegated. The trees are always in foliage and have such beautiful limbs and leaves. I am most pleased with my home-I mean the building. There are many beautiful pictures on the walls, and the walls are all frescoed and hung with fine coverings. And the floors are inlaid with beautiful mosaics. I have all the splendid furniture that I could possibly wish for, and my library is full of books of all kinds-especially those that tell of God and His Love for man. You would be in your element if you could be with me. I have music such as you never heard on earth, and instruments of various kinds which I am learning to play. And I sing with all my heart and soul as the days go by. I have beds on which I lie down, but I never sleep. We do not need sleep here; we only rest. For sometimes we get tired from our work, and are greatly refreshed by lying on the beds and couches which are so comfortable that we do not realize that we are tired after lying down a little while. (Do you still like to sing?) Yes, I do. And, when I sing, I think of you and wish that you could hear me as you did when I was with you in the body. I like "The Song That Reached My Heart." It seems to bring me more in rapport with you than any of the others, although "Sing Me to Sleep" is one that I enjoy to sing very much. (Do you have food to eat?) Yes, we eat fruit and nuts but do not do so because we are hungry, but more because we enjoy the flavors so much. And we drink water, pure and sweet, as it makes us feel so refreshed when we are a little tired. Our fruit is not of the earthly kind. It is so much more delightful that I am unable to describe it to you. And the nuts are different also. The water is purer than what you have and is more refreshing. (Do you have any musical instruments to play like pianos or violins?) No, our instruments are not like those on earth. They are not stringed instruments, but are played by our thoughts of goodness and love. We do not use fingers or lungs, but merely thoughts; and, if they are pure and loving, our music is very beautiful and not discordant. (Are you free to leave me any time you wish?) When you are asleep or doing something in the line of your work, then you do not need me and I am free to leave you. You must not think that I am not free to leave you when I am with you, for I am. I come to you of my own free will, but love compels; and, in that particular, I am not free and don't want to be. Your love is the greatest thing to me in all the world, except God's Love. And without it I would be very unhappy. You do not know how very necessary your loving me is to my happiness, and you must never cease to love me; for, if you do, I will not enjoy my home or the spirit world so much. (You know that I have always loved you.) Yes, I know. But I sometimes fear that you may forget to think of me as I want you to. (Is your home a permanent structure?) Yes, it is permanent. And the house and trees and flowers are more real to me than were ever the houses and trees and flowers on earth. They are not shadowy, as you may think, but are so very substantial that they never decay or grow old. (Have you reserved a nice home for me?) Yes, I have one selected for you now, and will make it so beautiful that you will wonder how it was possible for me to do so. There will be so much love in it that there will be no room for anything that is not in harmony with my love, and you will realize that your own Helen loves you with all the love that a soul can have for its mate. (Will we always be together?) Yes, we will be together in every way, and separated only while we are doing some of God's Work. You will be with me in all my thoughts, and I will be with you in your thoughts. Love will keep us through all eternity. (Will we also have our parents and children to love?) Yes, we will love our parents and children just as much as on earth, but they will not need our love so much because they will have their own soulmates to love them. We will visit them and be visited by them, and enjoy their society even more than on earth. They will love us very much, but the love that makes two souls one will exist only for the soulmates. God's Love will not interfere with that-I mean our love for God. It is of a kind that is different from our love for each other, and is of a more spiritual and holy nature. I am so very much pleased to see that you are getting more of His Love in your heart each day, and soon you will do the work that the Master has laid out for you to do. (Are you also praying to progress?) Yes, I am going to try to progress into the higher planes, and hope to do so as rapidly as is possible. But you may rest assured that, no matter what plane I may be in, my love for you will not lessen, and I will not cease to be with you as I now am. The life in the higher spheres without you would not be complete, for you are necessary to my complete happiness. God has decreed that two soulmates are intended to make one complete whole. This must be in order for soulmates to be wholly happy and to fulfill the laws of God's Love, and live together forever as one. (I have been told that I can begin to progress while still living on earth.) Yes, I know, because I have asked your grandmother and she has told me. You can progress on earth just as rapidly as I can here if you will let God's Love come into your heart as fully and as abundantly as I do. And you can if you will only pray to the Father. He does not require the child of His Care to be in the spirit world in order to develop his soul. You have the same soul now that you will have when you come here. And if you let God fill it with His Love while you are on earth, why should it not progress as much as it does here? God does not intend to wait until you come over here that He may give you the full enjoyment of His Holy Spirit. It all depends upon you. If you truly and sincerely seek His Love, you will get It on earth just as easily as you can get It after you have shuffled off the body. The Love of God coming into the soul of a man does not depend upon whether he is in the flesh or in the spirit. All souls must answer for the sins done in the body, but it is not necessary that such penalties be paid in the spirit world. You can pay the penalty while on earth. As you sow, so shall you reap, but the reaping is not necessarily here. If you seek earnestly for God's Grace and Love, you can obtain them on earth; and I am informed that, when they are obtained on earth, the greater will be the progress of the spirit when it comes over. So, let me pray you to seek these blessings while you are in your present life, and not wait for them to be given to you after you have entered the spirit world. Your grandmother says that she had that experience. When she came here, she entered the Third Sphere without going through a period of expiation or purification in the lower spheres. She is a wonderfully bright and pure spirit, and is very close to God, and has so much of His Love in her soul that her countenance really seems to be an illuminated face. She is in a condition of almost perfect love and peace, though she says that she is striving for a higher plane and a closer At-onement with her Heavenly Father. She is the one who can help you in your spiritual progress more than all others, except Jesus who is the grandest and most glorious spirit in all the heavens. Let your thoughts be of a pure and holy kind and you will soon realize that God's Love is in your soul to a degree that will make you feel that He is your own near and dear Father. Do not doubt His Love or that He can come to you through the Holy Spirit, for that is His Messenger of Love. And It will never refuse to come into a man's heart and soul when the desire exists to have It come by earnest, sincere prayer or Its inflowing. Be true to yourself, as I have told you, and you will soon be in God's Love and Favor. Do not let worries or disappointments keep you from seeking His Love and believing that He is waiting to enfold you in His Arms of Mercy and Love, for He is not only waiting but also wants you to call on Him. Do not let the thought that He is afar up in the heavens cause you to think that He is not always near you, anxiously waiting your call. HE IS NOT WILLING THAT ONE OF HIS CHILDREN SHOULD PERISH. WHEN THEY GO ASTRAY, HIS GREAT HEART OF LOVE YEARNS FOR THEM TO RETURN AND PARTAKE OF HIS BOUNTIES AND BLESSINGS. YOU MUST TRY WITH ALL YOUR HEART TO REALIZE THIS TRUTH, FOR IT IS A TRUTH. AND IT IS THE GREATEST TRUTH TAUGHT TO US BY JESUS WHO IS THE GREATEST OF ALL TEACHERS. MAKE YOUR DAILY LIFE ONE OF PRAYER AND ASPIRATIONS, AND YOU WILL SEE THAT WHAT I HAVE TOLD YOU IS NOT ONLY TRUE BUT THAT YOU CAN ALSO MAKE IT A PART OF YOURSELF. YOU HAVE ONLY TO LET YOUR DESIRES TURN TOWARDS GOD AND HE WILL MEET YOU MORE THAN HALF WAY, FOR HE NEVER SLEEPS OR CLOSES HIS EAR TO THE SUPPLICATIONS OF HIS CHILDREN. AND THOSE WHO HAVE SOUGHT HIM WITH AN EARNEST AND REPENTANT WISH AND LONGING DESIRE OF THE SOUL KNOW THAT HE HAS ALWAYS RESPONDED TO THEIR CALL. You are now in the Way to obtain these blessings and I pray that you
may continue, for you cannot find true happiness in any other way. THIS
LAWS AND LOVE. It is not a question of what church you belong to, or what particular faith you may have, or who your preacher may be, or what duties you owe to the church or to the ceremony of baptism according to the church's dogmas, but whether you have sought God in spirit and in truth and have received His Favor and Love. This is an individual matter, and no man can be saved by the sufferings or progress of another. Each soul is a complete unit when joined with its mate, and the spiritual condition of each soul towards God determines what its place and happiness will be in the spirit world. So, do not let the thought that it is necessary to believe in a special church dogma, or any ceremony, keep you from seeking the New Birth. This is the fundamental principle that operates in the At-onement of man with God, and all other doctrines are merely secondary and need to be believed only as they may lead to a belief in this foundation. I am writing at the dictation of your grandmother*,
for she knows. I, of course, would not be able to write in this way purely
of my own thoughts and experience. You must stop writing now, as you are tired and so am I. So, love your own true Helen, and pray to God for His Love and your spiritual enlightenment. HELEN. * In another message, Jesus says, "Mr. Padgett's grandmother is well qualified to write on Divine Truths." |
Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth, Vol. II, Page 287 | ||
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Samuel gives a description of the Celestial Heavens. | ||
I AM HERE. Samuel, the prophet. I am the prophet who came to you before and wrote. Tonight, I want to tell you of the wonderful things which God has prepared for His redeemed children in the Celestial Spheres, where only those who have received the New Birth can enter. In these spheres are homes made of the most beautiful materials that can be imagined, and which are of a real and permanent character, and not subject to decay or deterioration of any kind. They are not made with hands, but by the soul's development and the Love which each spirit possesses. These homes are furnished with everything that is suited to make the inhabitants happy and contented, and not one element of inharmony has any abiding place therein. Every home has its library and the most beautiful furniture and paintings and wall coverings, and also rooms that are devoted to the various uses that a spirit may need them for. The music is sublime beyond conception, and there are all kinds of musical instruments which the spirits know how to play. And, as you may not suppose, every spirit has the ability to sing. There are no voices that are out of tune with the surrounding and with other voices. Every spirit has music in his soul, and every spirit has the vocal qualities to express that music. Couches for repose are provided, and running fountains and beautiful flowers of every hue and variety, and lawns the most beautiful and green. Trees are in abundance, and are planted in the most artistic manner so that they are in harmony with the surrounding landscape. And the Light that comes to our homes is of such a kind that I cannot describe It. I can only say that with It and in It are the most soothing and wonderful influences that spirits can conceive of. All these things and many more are provided by our Loving Father for the happiness of His children. But above all is this: the wonderful state of happiness and peace and joy. ALL THESE THINGS ARE FREELY GIVEN TO US, AND, WITH THEM, THE KNOWLEDGE THAT WE ARE A PART OF THE FATHER'S DIVINE BEING, AND HAVE, BEYOND THE POSSIBILITY OF LOSING IT, THE IMMORTALITY WHICH JESUS BROUGHT TO LIGHT WHEN HE CAME TO EARTH. I HAVE BEEN IN THESE HEAVENS MANY YEARS AND KNOW WHEREOF I SPEAK. AND WHEN I TELL YOU OF THESE THINGS, I DO SO THAT YOU AND ALL MANKIND MAY KNOW THAT THESE DELIGHTS MAY BE YOURS AND THEIRS IF YOU WILL ONLY LET THE DIVINE LOVE OF THE FATHER ENTER YOUR SOULS AND TAKE COMPLETE POSSESSION OF THEM. (What kind of social life do you have?) Well, as to our social enjoyments, we are so loving, one to the other, that nothing arises, as on earth, to cause the slightest jar in our wonderful harmony. We visit one another and give our experiences of the Love life that we lead. We also have music and interchange thoughts about our continuous progress and our work in the spirit world. Every spirit in our sphere may visit every other spirit and know that the door is always open and a warm welcome awaiting him. I cannot tell you of all these wonders because there are no words that will convey our meanings. Your capacity to understand is limited by your mental boundaries, and, hence, I am at a disadvantage. But this I can tell you: that, someday, if you get the Divine Love in your soul in sufficient abundance, you will see and understand for yourselves what God has in store for you. It was truly said that "NO EYE HAS SEEN, OR MIND CONCEIVED, THE WONDERFUL THINGS THAT AWAIT THE TRUE CHILD OF THE FATHER." No, there are no streets or gold or walls of jasper, or any of these material things that John made use of in his Apocalypse to describe the City of God. They were merely used as symbols, but they did not express the wonders of our homes. I will not write more tonight, but will come again sometime and tell
you of things that are of more importance than a description of our homes.
With all my love, I am SAMUEL. |
Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth, Vol. II, Page 301 | ||
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