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Messages Authored by George Washington George Washington was the 1st president of the United States and commander in chief of the Continental army during the American Revolution. He is often referred to as the Father of the United States. |
George Washington is now a follower of Jesus and works with individual souls of men and women to help them in their soul development. | ||
I AM HERE, George Washington: I was the first President of the United States. I came to tell you that I am a spirit who is now a follower of the Master and that I have found the love of God and am an inhabitant of the first celestial sphere, where my home is one of happiness and love. I am not so much interested in the affairs of earth as I once was, and I do not attempt to influence the men who are at the head of public affairs as I did a few years ago. Now I see that the things of the earth are only temporary and need not the oversight of spirits who have advanced to the higher spheres, and consequently, I don't at this time take an interest in such matters. But I am interested in the individual souls of men and in their spiritual welfare and I am doing what I can to help them develop their soul qualities. So when you read that I am advising the rulers of the nation, or others who have to do with the making of its laws or the execution of them, you must conclude that such messages are not from me or in any manner suggested by me. I am now interested in men as individuals because that welfare exists through all eternity and not for time only, as does the welfare of the nation. Of course, as men become possessed of the higher soul development the condition and excellence of the nation will be benefitted and increased, and men's happiness, both individually and in the aggregate, will be much increased, and will make them more at one with the Father, and as a consequence, the brotherhood of man will be more effective in working good. But the brotherhood of man is not the great object for which men should work or preach. First, let each man receive in his heart this Divine Love of the Father, and then the true principles which should exist in the brotherhood of man will find their existence, and men not only as individuals but as brothers will find that they will be happier, and devote themselves to serving one another and to causing the greatest good to the greatest numbers. No mere philanthropical desires of men will bring about the great millenium that men look forward to in organizing and fostering what they call the brotherhood of men. Of course, men should endeavor to love one another even if they do not have this Divine Love in their souls, but such love will not be sufficient to form a brotherhood that will last and grow under all circumstances. Men's desires are not naturally of the kind that unite them together in one great object, and where their material interests or love of power or ambition to extend their territorial or commercial interests come in conflict with this natural love for one another the natural love must succumb, and as a result war will ensue, and hatred and envy and the desire to overcome one another will take the place of love and brotherhood. Only when men shall get this Divine Love in their hearts will they be able to overcome these natural desires. So I say, the great and only preachment is the obtaining of a brotherhood of man founded upon the Divine Love existing in the individual souls. Without this the brotherhood will be founded on sinking sand and no stability will make it a thing of lasting existence. I have written enough for my first attempt. As to the present terrible war, I do not see that it had any excuse
much less justification, and the results that will follow are beyond the
conception of the wisest statesmen. I do not know how or when it will
end, but to me it seems that the allies must prevail, and the Germans
and Austrians be compelled to submit to the dictates of their antagonists.
Let men fight if they will, but the truths of the Father will always
continue to stand and call for men to recognize and embrace them. Thanking you for your kindness, I will say goodnight. GEORGE WASHINGTON |
Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus, Vol. III, Page 262
George Washington is doing his best to help James Padgett in his work for Jesus. | ||
I am here - George Washington: The same who wrote to you a few nights ago. Well you are my brother and I am pleased that you call me your brother, for in this world of spirits we have no titles or distinctions because of any fame or position we may have had on earth. I came to tell you that I have watched with interest the many communications that you have received from the various kinds and orders of spirits, and am somewhat surprised that you could receive with such accuracy these several messages. I never in earth life supposed that such a thing could be, and since I became a spirit, I have never seen such demonstrations of the powers that exist on the part of spirits to communicate and mortals to receive the messages that come to you. I know that very many times such communications have been made by spirits to mortals, but what I mean as surprising is the greaty variety of spirits who come to you. They come from the highest Celestial Spheres as well as from the earth planes and what they write are not only new to mankind but many of their declarations of truth are new to many of us spirits. Very seldom do we who are in the Celestial Spheres have the opportunity to communicate with any of these ancient spirits who live high up in the Celestial Heavens and when I see them come and communicate to you so frequently, I wonder at it all. I know, of course, that such spirits do occasionally come into the earth plane; and try to influence both mortals and spirits to do good, but I want to tell you that usually their influence is exerted through intermediary spirits, and not directly by these higher spirits in person as they do through you. The messages that you have received from these spirits who lived on earth thousands of years ago were really written by them as they controlled your brain and hand. I am trying my best to help you in your work and will continue to do so, for the work that you have been selected to do is the most important one that the spirit world is now engaged in - I mean the world that recognizes Jesus as its Prince and Master. Some spirits come , because they see the way open to communicate to mortals, and they naturally desire to make known the fact that they live and are happy in their spheres. But their happiness is not the real happiness which the true believers and followers of the Master enjoys. So you in your work, when they come to you may have the opportunity to tell them of this higher experience which the redeemed of the Father enjoy. Many spirits are in these lower spheres who would be in the Celestial Heavens if they only knew the way. We frequently try to show them the way to truth and the higher life, but we find it a difficult task. They think that we are merely spirits like themselves - have our opinions just as they have theirs, and that we are mistaken in ours, and hence we can tell them nothing which will show them truths that they do not know, or will give them greater happiness than they have. When they notice the contrast in our appearance - that is that we are so much more beautiful and bright than are they - they simply think that such beauty and brightness is a result of some natural cause, and that we merely differ from them as do one race of men differ from another. They do not seem to think that there is anything in the contrast in our appearance that is caused by any higher spiritual condition than what they have. And this is the great stumbling block in the way of their becoming interested in the conditions which we have, and which should urge them to investigate and learn the true cause for the same. And hence, I say, that you may do them some good in this regard, for you are a third person and should call their attention to the great contrast and tell them the cause as you understand it, what you say would probably make some impression on them, and cause them to make inquiry, and once they commenced this then would come our opportunity to lead them into the light of the great truth of the Divine Love of the Father. Well, I have digressed from what I intended to write but it is just as well, for all the truths of God are important to both mortals and spirits. I am very happy in my home in the Celestial Spheres of the Father, and I am trying to progress to those higher. So let me assure you of the truths of what you have had written to you by your band and others of God's redeemed spirits. I thank you for this opportunity and will come again sometime. GEORGE WASHINGTON. |
Revelations of Divine Truth, Vol. II, Page 284 True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus, Vol. I, Page 353
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